
Make a Spiderweb Craft!

Cheap, easy Halloween craft the kids will love!

By Kat Fui, publisher of Macaroni Kid Salt Lake City October 22, 2021

We are in Halloween-mode, and crafting like crazy! Here is an inexpensive, spiderweb craft you can do with your kids. You can find all of these supplies at your local dollar store. Have fun!

You will need:

3 craft popsicle sticks

Adhesive (glue, tape, putty)

White yarn


Spider toy


1. Criss-cross popsicle sticks.

2. Use adhesive to stick them together in the center.

3. Cut 1 yard of white yarn and wrap it in a circular motion around the popsicle sticks, working from the inside, out.

4. Let your little spider enjoy its new home!